It is very important that all printing files are supplied in CMYK. If a file is designed in RGB, the colors may not print as expected. Designing a file in CMYK ensures that the colors will match your monitor (provided your monitor is calibrated for color accuracy).
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100% Black
Rich black, in printing, is an ink mixture of solid black over one or more of the other CMYK colors, resulting in a darker tone than black ink alone generates in a printing process. A typical rich black mixture might be 100% black, 50% of each of the other three inks.
Don’t forget the bleed…
If any part of your design touched the edge of your layout, you have to use what is known as “bleed.” This means extending your layout by 3mm on all sides. This small extension is later cut off once the print has been completed. The bleed area ensures that your design does not get trimmed off when it goes to print.